


父母和家庭是任何学生在任何一所大学取得成功的重要组成部分. 作为澳门新葡新京官方学生的父母或家庭成员, 你是我们社区的重要成员. We deeply appreciate the role that you have played and will continue to play in your student’s success. It is our desire to support you in reaching our common goal: success for the student. 你可能有很多问题, 包括如何畅游校园, 交学费, 随时了解校园日历和政策. You may also be thinking about how this new transition will affect your relationship with your student. 家庭项目是来帮助过渡的.  请随时给我们发电子邮件 family@fnyt.net 任何时候你有问题或需要帮助. Our goal is to help you support your student as they navigate the college experience from the first day to graduation. 

The following information has been collected and organized to give you the tools necessary to support your student and answer any lingering questions.


As a companion to the information you will receive at Parent and Family 取向, we have also organized the following additional 资源 here for your convenience. 


我们的员工受家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的约束。. 当学生年满18岁时, 或开始就读大专院校,不论年龄, FERPA权利转移给学生. 因此, 除了紧急情况, the 学生办公室主任 shares information about student concerns only on a need-to-know basis to the extent permitted by FERPA. There are three ways you may legally receive access to your student’s education records:

  • 你的学生签了 FERPA豁免表格 给予你许可; 
  • You provide evidence that you claimed the student as a financial dependent on your most recent Federal income Tax form;
  • 通过合法发出的传票或法院命令.  


The 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 家长及家庭协会 is committed to strengthening the partnership between the university and parents and families as well as enhancing the parent and student experience. 项目 and activities are focused on engaging all interested parents of the university that parallel and support the mission and goals of 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿. 如果你有兴趣加入,请填写 家长及家庭资料表格

All parents and families of current students are welcome to join the 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿 家长及家庭协会. If you would like to attend the next meeting, RSVP by contacting 凯西 McDonagh at 617.287.5344 or 凯西.McDonagh@fnyt.net


Subscribe to the 家长及家庭通讯 to stay up to date with campus events, 资源, 以及澳门新葡新京官方家长和家庭的相关信息. 每季通讯提供最新的学术支援服务, 金融援助, 住房, 学生健康服务, 和更多的. 如果你还没有收到通讯, 请将您的联络资料填妥 家长及家庭资料表格


在秋季学期举办, we invite parents and families back to campus to reconnect with your student and connect with the rest of the campus community. Information about the schedule of events and how to register will be available in September 2019. 


Knowing what your student is experiencing during college and what questions to ask are just some of the helpful pieces of advice that parents and families can receive at Parent and Family 取向. 

The Parent and Family 取向 program includes sessions that will describe many of the opportunities and challenges new students face when they begin their college experience and how their families can support them. 信息会议将涵盖以下主题: 

All programs will provide plenty of opportunities to have all of your questions and concerns addressed before you leave campus. 

此时此刻, Parent and Family 取向 is only available for parents and family members of new first-year students. 该项目与你的学生项目的第一天重合. 参加家长及家庭简介会, your student must register you through their myUMB portal when they select their orientation day. 如果你决定在你的学生注册后参加, your student may log back into their portal and register you at any time within 48 business hours of their orientation session.

Before attending orientation, there are many things that your student will need to do. 我们请求你帮助我们授权他们掌握他们的清单. First-year students can find their steps here and transfer students can find their steps here. 

如果你要参加我们的迎新会, 入住将于上午9点开始,当天将于下午5:30结束. 您的学生将收到电子邮件,告知更具体的信息, 包括停车选择, 在你入职之前. We encourage you to have a conversation with your student about the orientation day!


Here is a selection of the most frequently asked questions that we hear from parents and families, 还有答案和附加信息.  

  1. 迎新时是否提供住宿? 不幸的是,学校不提供住宿. 你可以找到该地区的住宿地点列表 访问招生网站
  2. 离学校最近的银行是哪一家? 校园里有美国银行的自动取款机. 最近的分行是 桑坦德银行从肯尼迪机场/马萨诸塞大学MBTA站步行五分钟即可到达.
  3. 校园班车的时间是什么时候? Shuttle bus details, including schedules and stop locations, can be found on the 停车及交通网站.
  4. 澳门新葡新京官方的警察是什么类型的? 公共安全 officers have the same training and authority as police officers throughout Massachusetts. 他们全天候365天值班. 另外, 肯尼迪图书馆也在现场,有自己的安保系统, 南波士顿州警察局兵营离这里只有五分钟路程, 波士顿C-11警察局离学校只有10分钟路程, MBTA车站由MBTA警察巡逻.  
  5. 班级有多大?? Our faculty to student ratio is around 16:1, which is low for a research university. Large lecture rooms on campus are minimal and many majors feature intensive discussion based courses. Classes that do have a large lecture component are often paired with small lab or discussion sections.  
  6. 澳门新葡新京官方有父门户吗? Student can add an additional user(s) to their WISER (student information system) account. Access can include bill pay, student schedules, and viewing access for holds on a student’s record. Get the steps students need to take to give their parents access to their WISER account here
  7. 学生停车是如何运作的? Parking options, including multi-park passes, can be found on our Parking and 运输 site. 
  8. 澳门新葡新京官方有膳食计划吗? 澳门新葡新京官方为居民和非居民提供膳食计划. 详细的膳食计划可以在这里找到.  
  9. 我怎样才能更多地了解校园建设? 马塞诸斯州大学波士顿’s Construction Updates page contains the latest information about the projects that are currently in progress and are under development.  
  10. 为公寓/宿舍楼房间提供什么装备? 有一个 目标 大约10分钟车程/乘坐MBTA巴士到校园. Apartment Guide提供特价住宿 大学公寓必备清单.     
  11. 什么MBTA巴士服务校园? 8路和16路公共汽车往返校园. 日程表和地图都在 优先的网站.  
  12. 如何加入家长及家庭协会? 有关家长及家庭协会的资料可在此找到.    
